Membership Benefits
Well, let's cut to the chase - Why should you get a membership with us?
First, let's settle the debate. Credit Unions vs. Banks.

For People
Fewer Fees
Better Rates
NCUA insured ($250k)
Emphasis on Relationships

More Fees
Worse Rates
FDIC insured ($250k)
More Branches = More $$$
Quantity > Quality
Smart Banking.
There are no annual fees for your Member One share account. Yep, you heard that right. In fact, when you have $250 or more in your account, we pay you monthly dividends.

Smart Decision.
All it takes to apply for these perks and benefits, in person or online, is five bucks and a few minutes of your time. Once your application is approved, you'll be an official Member One member with complete banking, borrowing, investing, and voting privileges.
Member One Federal Credit Union. Stronger, together.

Experience the credit union difference with great options for every stage of life, modern-day conveniences you expect, and local, personalized service.